Happy National Coaches Day! Thanks for all you do!
3 months ago, Markell Irvin
Happy National Coaches Day! Thanks for all you do!
First competition for the Tiger Band in Class 3A today at the Brazos Valley Marching Festival in Caldwell! They had a great performance and earned an overall rating of "2" (1,2,2 from judges), and won their class!
4 months ago, Beth Butler
drum major retreat
receiving  their trophy
Checkout this week's episode of GAMEDAY! https://youtu.be/zUvcuNQQ0TU
4 months ago, Markell Irvin
After an intense ABC Bootcamp, our Kindergarten Tigers were delighted to show what they learned! The ABC Parade was an adorable success!
4 months ago, Thrall Elementary
ABC Parade
ABC Parade
ABC Parade
ABC Parade
ABC Parade
ABC Parade
ABC Parade
ABC Parade
ABC Parade
ABC Parade
Halftime, JV Tigers up 32-0.
4 months ago, Thrall Athletics
Varsity Team Dinner!
4 months ago, Thrall Athletics
8th grade football played an outstanding game tonight against the Hempstead Bobcats at Tiger Stadium. The final score , Tigers 32- Bobcats- 20 Hard work is paying off, keep it up tigers!
4 months ago, Thrall Middle School
TMS cheerleaders & mascot are taking care of business on the sidelines! Tonight they performed during half time and provided an awesome run through sign for our guys.
4 months ago, Thrall Middle School
sideline encouragement
run through sign for 8th grade
halftime performance
halftime performance
7th grade football took the win over Hempstead this evening . Final score 32 -6 Way to go Tigers!
4 months ago, Thrall Middle School
end of the game huddle
kick- off after a touchdown
🏈It’s Middle School and JV GAMEDAY🏈 🆚: Hempstead 🕔: MS 5/6 JV 7:00 🎟️: https://thrallisd.hometownticketing.com/embed/event/366?access_code=358d3fb90dbb3c4bc031d562e2297210675165a1 #TigerNation
4 months ago, Thrall Athletics
Thrall High School had some future bobcats visit Texas State today in San Marcos. They were able to tour the campus, learn about admissions, and gain insight into some of the traditions at Texas State!
4 months ago, Monica Barton
Happy Custodian Appreciation Day to the best of the best!! The Tigerette Volleyball Program is so thankful for Mrs. Misty and Mrs. Leslie!💜
4 months ago, Markell Irvin
Happy Custodian Appreciation Day to the best of the best!! The Tigerette Volleyball Program is so thankful for Mrs. Misty and Mrs. Leslie!💜
Everyday we are grateful for our custodial team, but today we honor them! Thank you for every way you work to make our campus beautiful!💜
4 months ago, Thrall High School
Custodial Day
Wildlife Class learned how to score whitetail antlers using the Boone and Crockett club score card.
4 months ago, Thrall High School
Thrall ISD is excited to recognize our outstanding custodial staff on Tuesday, Oct. 1. All of these staff members are a vital part of our Tiger Family, and each one of them provides outstanding and valuable service to the District. Thank You - Tammy Fisher Mr. Fisher JoJo Loza Leslie Menchaca Robert Rodriguez Brittany Ross Misty Stenholm Brenda Valdez Rick West Sonya Garza, Custodial Substitute Russel Richter, Director of Safety and Custodial Services
4 months ago, Thrall ISD
thank you
Attention Bus Riders, Your Bus might be a few minutes late today since we have a train blocking the tracks. Please be out by your designated pick up location at your normal time. The bus will get there as as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience. TISD Transportation
4 months ago, Matt Pokorny
BIG District WIN tonight for the Tigerettes! Congratulations ladies- such an exciting, hard fought match💪🏻🏐🐅💜
4 months ago, Thrall Athletics
Thank you to Dr. Tommy Barton and Millie for visiting Mrs. Barton's vet science classes today. Students learned about physical exams, terminology, and had the opportunity to practice giving injections to stuffed animals. Side note: Millie is the best patient ever💜 #doingtolearn
4 months ago, Monica Barton
Off to Walmart they go for snack cart supplies! Grocery list in hand, their mission was a success! Learning how to navigate the world is important! Thank You shout outs to- Mrs Burkett, Mrs Rodriguez, Mrs Gebert, Mrs. Gwartney, & Mr Koehne!
4 months ago, Thrall Middle School
Walmart shopping
learning to drive the cart
ready to go - on the bus
ready to go on the bu
ready to go on the bus
Mrs Graham's 6th grade social studies class created, The 5 Themes of Geography projects. Beautiful work!
4 months ago, Thrall Middle School
completed project
completed project
completed project
completed project
completed project
completed project