Our 4th graders last Elementary Field Day! #classof2030

Results for the Regional Track Meet at Javelina Stadium - Texas A&M - Kingsville today and tomorrow are available as the Meet progresses and results are entered onsite -
Regional Track Schedule - https://5il.co/19m0v

Vote Early TODAY in THRALL at the TISD Administration Building--Friday, April 29 - 8:00 am to 6:00 pm.
Early voting in THRALL continues on Saturday, April 30 - 8:00 am to 6:00 pm and also on Monday, May 2 and Tuesday, May 3 - 7:00 am to 7:00 pm.

High School Testing Week

Thrall ISD is happy to celebrate all of the hard work our administrative professionals do for our students and staff! These energetic staff members are true multi-taskers in all of their duties they perform!
District Administration:
Megan Kruger
Heather Richter
Joan Sladek
Elementary School:
Brenda Cox
Cindy Miksch
Middle School:
Cindy Miksch
Stacy Shaw
High School:
Rhonda Leschber-Stallings
Teresa Wicker

CONGRATULATIONS to our Thrall Elementary Teacher of the Year for 2021-2022, Mrs. Annalee Miller!

Newsletter-May 2, 2022
Show your child's teachers some LOVE next week during Teacher Appreciation Week!

Good luck to our HS track & field athletes as they travel to the Regional Track Meet at Javelina Stadium - Texas A&M - Kingsville today!
3200 Meter Run Final, other Running Preliminaries and some Field Events are Friday, April 29, and remaining Field Events and Running Finals are Saturday, April 30.
Go Tigers & Tigerettes!
Regional Track Schedule - https://5il.co/19m0v

Order your Tiger Baseball Playoff Shirt by tomorrow, Friday, April 29 at 2:00 pm.

U.S. News has selected Thrall High School as a Best High School 2022!
Ranked 33rd in the Austin, TX Metro Area (including charters, private, etc.) = Top 25% of all and Top 10% of traditional public schools
Ranked 337th in ALL of Texas Schools (337 out of 1992) = Top 17th Percentile
Ranked 4,085th Nationally (4085 out of 18,000) = Top 22nd Percentile
No other 2A or 3A schools ranked as high as THS
Congratulations to all of our high school students and staff on this prestigious honor!

Reminder to sign up for Summer Camps. Read through the attached flyer and sign up! Camp is open to those outside of Thrall ISD as well.

Six grade students created Solar System Projects to present to their classmates. Wow ! Nice job !

BOND 2022 Community Meeting is TODAY, Wednesday, April 27 at 7:00 pm at Thrall High School. Project Scope and Construction Pricing will be presented by Gallagher Construction Services.

All tickets for tonight's playoff game will be sold online only! No cash at the gate. Please use the following link to purchase your tickets for the game.

Congratulations, Sarah Laurence for placing 2nd in Junior Prepared Speaking at the Brushy Creek District FFA contest. She will advance to the Area 12 FFA contest in May! Her speech was titled “It’s the Little Things that Count” and is about how bees impact the agriculture industry!

BOND 2022 Community Meeting is Wednesday, April 27 at 7:00 pm at Thrall High School. Project Scope and Construction Pricing will be presented by Gallagher Construction Services.

Middle School Athletics Update:
Tonight's MS Golf Tournament has been postponed until tomorrow evening, April 26th.
Tonight's MS 7v7 Tournament is cancelled.

Early voting for the May 7 BOND 2022 and Board of Trustees Election will be held in THRALL at the TISD Administration Building on Friday, April 29 (also Thrall Elementary School Field Day) and Saturday, April 30 - 8:00 am to 6:00 pm and also on Monday, May 2 and Tuesday, May 3 - 7:00 am to 7:00 pm.
Read more https://www.thrallisd.org/article/681310

All of our academic competitors made us proud today at the regional meet. Four will represent us at the state!

Congratulations, Ethan Dahl who placed 3rd at Regionals and is headed to STATE in LD Debate!