
Transfer Student Applications are now available for each campus for new and returning transfer students to complete for the 2025-2026 school year.

Elementary School-Returning & New-Transfer Student Application 2025-2026

Middle School-Returning & New-Transfer Student Application 2025-2026

High School-Returning & New-Transfer Student Application 2025-2026

Transfer Student Information


Elementary School transfer students must have 80% or above in each core class. If a standards-based report card is used, transfer students must be on grade level in all core classes.
Middle School transfer students must have 80% or above in each core class.
High School transfer students must have 80% or higher as the final average of core classes.

--Transfer students must achieve "Meets" or higher on all STAAR/EOC tests or equivalent grade level test;
--Transfer students must have good discipline records (determined by Campus Principal);
--Transfer students must have had at least 95% attendance the prior year if they attended school;
--Transfer students will be made subject to space being available in the student’s grade level; and
parents agree to provide transportation to and from school at their own expense

ACADEMIC MAINTENANCE OF EFFORT (AMOE)—for transfer students in all grade levels
--Meet Academic Expectations as outlined above.
--Achieve "Meets" or higher on all STAAR/EOC tests or equivalent grade level test
--Failure to meet AMOE will result in revocation of transfer at any point during the year  

DISCIPLINE MAINTENANCE OF EFFORT (DMOE)— for transfer students in all grade levels
--Maintains good attendance (95% - includes tardies – 3 tardies equal 1 absence) – failure will result in revocation of transfer at any point during the year; and
--Must have good discipline records (determined by campus principal) - failure will result in revocation of transfer at any point during the year; and
--Any placement into DAEP will result in automatic and immediate revocation of transfer; student will be required to enroll in their sending district

Thrall ISD continues to welcome the transfer students that choose to be a part of this district. The district expects transfers to add to the quality of the present student body. Therefore, the Board of Trustees sets in place this regulation in order to ensure the quality is not met only at the entry level but maintained throughout the transfer’s stay in the Thrall Independent School District.

The Superintendent is authorized to accept or reject any transfer requests, provided that such action is without regard to race, religion, color, sex, disability, national origin, or ancestral language. Refer to Policy FDA Local.