FCCLA's Fill the Backpack program provides our less fortunate Lil' Tigers at the Elementary School with a small selection of snack items to help accommodate them over weekends and school breaks. Our supply is running low at this time, and we are asking for your donations. To those who donated in September, THANK YOU! Your donations helped fill 25 bags a week for the past 10 weeks,
Our Amazon Wish List is an easy way for you to select items to donate and have them shipped directly to Thrall High School by entering FCCLA; 201 S Bounds; Thrall, TX 76578 in the address box for your Amazon order. Click on the QR code below for the Amazon Wish List. Donations of any of the items can also be brought to Thrall High School.
Read more about the Fill the Backpack program on the Fill the Backpack Flyer below.
Thank you for your support and assistance for our Lil' Tigers in need!
Please contact Mrs. Donna Cook, FCCLA (Family, Career and Community Leaders of America) Advisor, with any questions 898-5193.